Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


J. Moon, as her of Brand street, L. Brewer, guest her father, the Rev. G. Mrs.

P. W. of Dayton. Jack, of Somerset, Honeycutt spent and little with Mrs. R.

H. Neighbors. Tuesday Little Misses Nina der have returned and Della Snyfriends in from a visit with Jasper. Mr. and Mrs.

J. L. wah, were recent guests Yarnell, of of OolteC. L. Yarnell, and their son, Orchard Knob avenue.

family on North H. D. Snyder is cent illness. from a reimproved Mr. and Mrs.

B. P. dren have returned from Esty and chilrelatives a visit with Coal Mrs. Cannon Mills has in Summerville, Ga. Creek, where she was returned called by from the illness of her mother, Mrs.

ton. J. Y. TipMr. and Mrs.

D. N. Darber dren and chilMrs. returned Reese from McDaniels Graysville recently. has as her guest her mother, Mrs.

T. L. Roy, of Ooltewah. Miss Mary Dunning is from a tonsil operation improving her at the home of sister, Mrs. G.

E. O'Neal, on North Orchard Knob avenue. Glenn Harrill has returned from a visit with relatives in La Mrs. Wilburn Haskins has Fayette. returned to her home in Pineville, after visiting her mother, Mrs.

Frank Cranmore, on Cooley street. Miss Mary Phillips, of Knoxville, is visiting North her sister, Mrs. T. K. O'Neal, on Orchard Knob avenue.

V. W. Allison left recently for Mrs. Indianapolis, to join Mr. Allison, is in business there.

Evelyn, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. O'Neal, is ill at her home on Northa Orchard, Knob avenue.

A. Smith are vis- joins. street. Mesdames Leta Lewis, of Athens, guests of Mr. and on North Orchard J.

B. Heard Miss Beulah Parks and Miss Ada Cossey spent the week-end, with Miss Cossey's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.

Fitzgerald, in Apison. Miss Emily Mount, of Arlington avenue, spent the week-end with her parents in Rock Springs, Ga. J. S. Harris is ill at his home on Wilson street.

Mrs. James Waddell, of Louisville, has returned, home after a visit with Mrs. Wilson on North Or- Hamby and the ampere W. R. Knob avenue.

NORTH CHATTANOOGA. The Eliza Yates circle of the North Chattanooga Baptist church held its regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dave Guilder on a May street. Fifteen members were present. Mrs.

W. S. Keese an interesting talk. Plans were made to have a munity Bible study class every Friday morning from 9 to 10 o'clock. Miss Willie McNabb has gone to Nashville on a brief visit.

The Ann Judson circle will meet with Mrs. Will Ingle, on Mississippi avenue this afternoon. Miss Agnes Brown will go to Winchester tomorrow visit relatives. Mrs. Frank Hanco*ck has returned from Columbus, Mr.

and Mrs. Lively have gone to Bridgeport, where they were called by death of Mr. Lively's father. Little Mildred Maulbetsch is spendthe week with her cousin, Elizabeth Usmiller, on Barton avenue. Guy Hood is confined to his home on May street by illness.

Mrs. Nell Morris and Miss Katherine THE TRADE MARK KNOWN IN EVERY HOME UNIVERSAL LANDERS, FRARY CLARK, NEW BRITAIN, CONN.US.A. The "Universal" Never Catches or Wrinkles Cloth on the Back Stroke TRONS backward and sideways as easily as forward because of round heel, an exclusive Universal feature. It has no corners or sharp edges. Finely tapered point slips quickly and easily into smallest pleats and ruffles of women's and children's summer lingerie.

THE WRINKLE PROOF IRON Guaranteed Electrically and Mechanically Price $6.75 THE TENNESSEE FLECTRIC POWER CO, YOUR 620 Marker Street Phone Mann 5900 SANDALS Just received- Like -new Cut) shipment. RED KID, GREY SUEDE, FAWN SUEDE, PATENT KID, BROWN KID. All Sizes. PRICE $6.95 to $9.95 Misses and Children's Patent Leather SLIPPERS In All Sizes Up to 2 .95 A Pair GUARANTEE SHOE CO 816 MARKET STREET. 816 MARKET STREET WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED TO YOUR LIKING -WE ARE ENJOYING NEW BUSINESS IN OUR NEW HOME EVERY DAY LeBron Engraving Co.

724 Broad St. "SERVICE QUALITY PRICE" PRATER-PALMER HARDWARE COMPANY 621 Market St. Established 1888 Main 270 TIMES: CHATTANOOGA. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1923. Wienbrenner will be remembered Helen Ryan, an attractive visitor of the past year.

Miss Virginia Arn will come next week to spend Mr. the and summer Mrs. months Fred with her parents, Arn, in the Elizabeth where apartments, returning from the east she has been attending Wellesley student college. at Fred Arn, Jo, who is a the Yale, in will sail soot to spend summer Tours, France. Miss Dorothy Biese, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs.

Orville E. Johnson, in Lincoln, has started for the home Oscar Seagle st Schroon Lake, N. under to resume her vocal studies this well-known teacher. her way from the west Miss Biese will stop for visits with friends in Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany and New York City before beginning her summer's work under Mr. Seagle.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lang, of Decatur, announce the birth of a son June 10.

Mrs. D. F. Anderson, of Birmingham, is the guest of Mrs. Lewis Shepherd at Altemede.

The Frances Willard board will meet this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home. Miss Nannie Ochs, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Adler, leaves today for home in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thompson, bare returned from a motor trip to Baltimore and moved this week to their summer home on Walden's ridge.

The North Chattanooga section of King's Daughters of the First Christian church will meet this afternoon in the church ch parlors, with Miss Eva Kerr as hostess. The Senior Epworth league of the Highland Park M. E. church, south, will entertain, with an ice cream supper Friday at 7:30 o'clock on the church lawn. The Junior guild of the Pilgrim Congregational church will hold its reguJar monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.

Archie Day on Mission ridge. The annual picnic of the Lookout Planing mills will be held Wednesday, July 4, at Graysville, Ga. Transportation has been arranged for 400, including the employees, and their families. The Virginia Asher council will meet evening at parish house. Supper will be served" at 6 o'clock by the council members.

Miss Ava Wright will conduct the Bible lesson hour. Evangeline chapter, No. 48, order of the Eastern Star, will hold its regular meeting this evening at 7:30 at the Masonic temple. Mrs. J.

Huskins, matron, will preside, assisted by William H. Bauer, worthy patron. Misses Gladys and Annie Gay Kelly will leave Saturday for an extended eastern trip. While away they will visit in Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. They will return by boat by, way of Savannah.

There will be an old-time singing held at Peavine Baptist church June 17 at Peavine, Ga. This is the first time there has been an old-time singing in several years, and everyone is cordially invited. Dinner will be served on the grounds at noon. Bridge Club Entertained. Mrs.

James Cassell was hostess at an informal luncheon yesterday at the Lookout Mountain Tea room, when the members of the Lookout Mountain Bridge club were guests. The attractive tea room was prettily decorated and two tables were arranged for the game. And yet, if Shakespeare, had waited until today to it isn't at all probable that anybody would have produced him. REGAIN THAT GIRLY COMPLEXION EASILY Quick Results Sure if You Do Like Thousands of Women Who Praise Black and White. Don't worry and fret about how bad your complexion is.

It is possible now to make that rough, blotchy and unpleasant skin smooth and soft if you will just use a little common sense and do like so many thousands of women are doing all over the country. Blackheads, pimples and other face ruiners are nothing more than you can expect when you neglect the care of your face every day. You seem to take it as matter of course that your complexion ought to always be just right, without anY thought of the care it must have, to keep away the many outside influences which hurt the delicate tissue of the complexion. But using just something is where so many girls and women make their mistake. Treatments which promise "overnight" beauty are often worse than if you don't use anything at all, because they must be harsh to work so quick and when they are, the skin suffers.

Millions of packages of Black and White Cleansing, and Peroxide Cream, as well as Face Powder, are sold every year to girls and women who have found these to be real toilet necessities. The CleansAng Cream keeps their skin clean by removing every particle of the dust, grease and things that hurt the complexion. The Peroxide Cream keeps the skin clear, protects it and forms a perfect base to bold Black and White Face Powder, thereby giving the complexion a natural appearance. More Than 8 Million BLACK AND WHITE Beauty Creations Are Sold Yearly SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL Sulphur Springs, Ga. NOW OPEN Location, thirty miles on A.

G. S. R. hours by auto, good road. Dancing every Saturday night; music by Chattanooga band.

Accommodations, food, amusem*nts and water the best. Special ball Saturday night, June 16. Enjoy your week-end with us. H. LEE BROWN, Manager.

tend Pullen have gone to Memphis to at- the church parlors with Miss Eva Kerr Miss Marian Stephens has returned Robert leaves Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Adsmond, who Miss a visit Ella in Helton Dayton.

is the her the U. convention. as hostess. from guest of Mrs. Charlottesville, Raymond to visit Mr.

and have been spending their honeymoon in father, James Helton, in Grayeville. Haley. the mountains of North Carolina, Sidney Henderson has returned to his Misses Elenoir Ward, Ora Taylor, visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Pender- home on Barton avenue, after a visit Pearl Hunt and Helen Kerr will leave grass.

with relatives in Tuscaloosa, Ala. on Wil- Saturday to attend the girls' camp at Miss Dorothy Barton, of Atlanta, is Emma Eagle The Cliff, North Ga. Chattanooga circle the Mrs. guest Ben of Hunt Mrs. J.

and A. children Dutton. Many a man ekes out a bare living of the will go writing magazine fiction when recent King's Daughters of the First Chris- this week for a visit with relatives in be devoting his talent tow he might tian church will meet this afternoon in California. erature. stock oil litRoland Dainty Summer Lingerie is Easily Ironed with a "Universal" Electric Iron TRONS backward and sideways as easily as forward, because it has no corners or sharp edges.

Round heel prevents cloth from gathering or wrinkling on the back stroke. Tapered point slips quickly and easily into the finest pleats and ruffles of your daintiest summer dresses. THE WRINKLE PROOF IRON Guaranteed Electrically and Mechanically Sold by all Good Dealers Price $6.75 THE TRADE MARK KNOWN IN EVERY HOME UNIVERSAL LANDERS, FRARY CLARK, NEW BRITAIN. CONN These Women Have Purchased Hoovers -Why Haven't You? Listed below are the names of a few of those who have selected The Hoover as their preference over all other electric cleaners. Look for your friends: MRS.

K. WATSON, Lookout Mountain. MRS. MAX FRUMIN, 1316 College Street. MRS.

PHILLIP LEVINE, 521 Cedar Street. MRS. P. BLOCH, 649 Vine Street. A.

SHELTON, 252 N. Dodds Avenue. MRS. W. O.

WHITAKER, Riverview Terrace, North Chattanooga MRS. JACK O'DONOHUE, 518 High Street. MRS. G. T.

WHITE, 822 Vine Street. MRS. W. F. HETZLER, 719 McCallie Avenue.

MRS. L. A. OWNBEY, 1501 Chamberlain Avenue. MRS.

W. E. HARRELL, Lookout Mountain. MRS. T.

L. STOUT, 1206 Chamberlain Avenue. Now Is Your Chance to Buy The HOOVER It Beats as it Sweeps as it Cleans Only a few more days remain in which you can buy your HOOVER on the unusual and special terms of only $2.25 down. You will eventually own a HOOVER. It is the best known and largest selling Electric Cleaner, because it is the best of them all.

Do not deprive yourself another day of its many advantages. Take advantage of our liberal offer. Do not delay, as the time limit is rapidly being approached. At least, let us demonstrate the HOOVER in your home. Phone, write or call on us.

THE TENNESSEE FLECTRIC POWER CO. YOUR 620 Market Street Phone Main 5900 HOME OF LOW PRICES "The Home of Low Prices" Today Is Coupon Day This popular store is offering Big Savings to you. Select what you need from this and our yesterday's advertisem*nt. Clip the coupon; bring i it with you to our store today. GLASSES I frame.

Double Properly vision, In fitted to rold-filled eyes. CUUI WITH COUPON a $4.50 PRICES All colors; DUPLEX size SHADES 6 feet by WINDOW 8 feet. GET WITH COUPON 79c TELL MOT ALUMINUM 8 DUUI All $3.50. large pieces worth 85c LIEVH IOME Boys' Wash Hats A All colors: extra good quality; worth 75c. WITH COUPON 39c Boys' Wash Suits Sizes 8 to 81t Oliver Twist or twopiece styles.

WITH COUPON 98c LADIES' GOWNS Muslin: pink: appropriately trimmed; 980 values; WITH COUPON 49c Duroleum Rugs 24x54 Inches; new patterns. WITH COUPON 49c Slip-over style; all wool; various Ladies' Sweaters COME THE colors. 'COUPON 3 8 Ladies' Umbrellas LID For handles. rain or sent white and fancy COME WITH COUPON 98c Ladies' Waists Best quality voile; fancy designs -worth $1.95. WITH COUPON 98c White Petticoats Extra quality white muslinworth 980.

WITH CUUI COUPON 49c LADIES' RIBBED VESTS Good quality; well made. WITH COUPON Fancy Toilet Soap 12 FOR WITH COUPON 49c HOME Leather Purses HABIT One-Half All WITH New Marked COUPON Styles. Prices. TO MOT THE 42x42 LUNCH inches: round or CLOTHS square; new designs. GET WITH COUPON 98c 3 Cups, 3 Saucers Fine white china.


Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


What does Chattanooga mean in Cherokee? ›

Modern day Chattanooga was founded in the 1830s, but people had been living there long before. Eventually, the Cherokee named the spot Chado-na-ugsa. This means “rock that comes to a point.” Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain, Tennessee State Museum Collection.

What is the poverty rate in Chattanooga Tennessee? ›

The average household income in Chattanooga is $86,620 with a poverty rate of 16.92%.

Why is Chattanooga so popular? ›

Chattanooga is home or was the birthplace of a long list of now-famous people, including blues signer Bessie Smith, R&B singer Usher, actor Samuel Jackson, actor Leslie Jordan, and NFL players Reggie White and Peyton Manning.

What is the indigenous name for Chattanooga? ›

Some hold that it derives from a word describing nearby majestic Lookout Mountain as "rock coming to a point," some from the Indian word for "hawk's nest," and others from the Indian name "Tsatanugi". As early as 1793, maps show an Indian village and creek named "Chatanuga" at the foot of Lookout Mountain.

What is a person from Chattanooga called? ›

Chattanooga, Tennessee
Time zoneUTC−5 (EST)
• Summer (DST)UTC−4 (EDT)
ZIP code(s)37401-37412, 37414-37416, 37419, 37421-37422, 37424, 37450
33 more rows

What do locals call Chattanooga? ›

The Scenic City

The Scenic City is Chattanooga's official nickname because of the city's geographical location between the Appalachian Mountains and Cumberland Plateau. The nickname alludes to the surrounding mountains, ridges, rivers, and lakes.

Is Chattanooga growing or declining? ›

Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Chattanooga, TN grew from 180,353 to 181,288, a 0.518% increase and its median household income grew from $50,437 to $57,703, a 14.4% increase.

What is the best place to live in Chattanooga? ›

Chattanooga's Northshore and surrounding suburbs are especially popular for families, as are the more affluent Lookout Mountain and Signal Mountain communities.

What is the racial makeup of Chattanooga? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Chattanooga, TN-GA are White (Non-Hispanic) (77.1%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (12.4%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.38%), White (Hispanic) (1.99%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.52%).

Are people in Chattanooga friendly? ›

Chattanooga Ranked The Fourth Friendliest City In The United States.

Who is the most famous person from Chattanooga? ›

Bessie Smith

Nicknamed the Empress of the Blues, she was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s.

What is a fun fact about Chattanooga? ›

The first patented mini golf course was created in Chattanooga in 1927 by Garnet Carter, a true fore-father. Carter was an inventor and the founder of Rock City Gardens. 5. The Lookout Mountain Incline Railway is one of the steepest passenger railway lines in the world with a 72.7% grade.

Were there slaves in Chattanooga Tennessee? ›

Last Year of Peace By 1860, Hamilton County had a population of 13,258, which included Chattanooga's population of 2,545.12 Within the population there were 457 black residents, 99 of whom were enslaved.

Does Chattanooga have a nickname? ›

Chattanooga has for a long time been considered "The Gateway to the South." It is at the crossroads of the railroads, major highways, and the Tennessee River. In recent years it has been completely reborn in a transformation that has also earned it the nickname "The Smartest City" and "Gig City".

Why is it called Lookout Mountain? ›

Though it first appeared on a map in 1795, Lookout Mountain's name likely comes from the Creek term for “rock rising to a point,” and research suggests the mountain was inhabited by Native Americans for centuries.

A brief history of Chattanooga's name ...NOOGAtoday ›

Chattanooga; CHATT-UH-NOO-GA (n.): Derived from Tsatanugi, which in the Cherokee language means “rock coming to a point” or “end of the mountain.” The name of o...
Tennessee's fourth largest city, Chattanooga enjoys a rich and often contentious past. The city lies on a bend in the Tennessee River near a natural opening...
Chattanooga, the 4th largest city in the state, is located in Southeast Tennessee near the border of Georgia at the junction of four interstate highways. The ci...

What is the meaning of the name Chattanooga? ›

In 1838 it was renamed Chattanooga, derived from a Creek word for nearby Lookout Mountain meaning “rock rising to a point.” The settlement developed initially as a river port, and its growth was stimulated by the arrival of the railroads in the 1840s and '50s.

What does Chattanooga translate to? ›

Chattanooga; CHATT-UH-NOO-GA (n.): Derived from Tsatanugi, which in the Cherokee language means “rock coming to a point” or “end of the mountain.”

What does the word chattooga mean? ›

Chattooga (River) - From the Cherokee "Tsatu-gi", although some say the meaning is not clear and appears to be of non-Cherokee origin. Others say it is Cherokee and means "has crossed the river" and "drank by sips" or "he sips".

What does Chatuge mean in Cherokee? ›

Chatuge Dam is named for an 18th-century Cherokee village once situated near the site, and the name is believed to mean “the meeting of the waters”.

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.