Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (2024)

To set up earnings accrualclasses, use the Earnings Accruals USF (GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Earnings Accruals USF - Class page


Define accrual classproperties and key features, including the rules for calculating leavebased on time in service and frequency of accrual.

Ceiling/Carryover Page


Establish rules forapplying ceilings and carryover limits to earnings accrual classes.

Expiration/Termination Page


Apply expiration andtermination rules to earnings accrual classes.

Rates/Bonus Page


Create a schedule forgranting leave based on length of service. Establish the hours, months,years, or pay periods that members of the accrual class must workto receive a specified amount of leave.

Earnings Accruals USF - Balance Page


Select the earningscodes that add to, or subtract from, leave balances for the class,and specify how the hours that are associated with these earningscodes affect various balances that track and store leave time (suchas hours taken, hours earned, and service hours).

Cascading Page


Define the sequenceand the accrual classes to which each earnings accrual class cascades.

Related Links

Managing Leave Accrual

Payroll for North Americaprovides streamlined processing and reporting of all U.S. federalgovernment leave accrual, usage, transfer, and adjustment activitythat affects an employee's leave balances. The system uses accrualclasses to track the expiration dates of accrued leave line items,applying leave usage to the oldest line items first and disposingof expired leave balances by the method that you specify for the class.The system supports all leave plans and transfer programs that arecurrently authorized for federal agencies.

Before you begin definingaccrual classes:

  • Decide how to convert theprocessing rules, earnings limits, and other criteria governing leaveat your agency into earnings accrual classes.

    You might want many accrualclasses or just a few, depending on how you define the parametersfor different leave types, such as annual leave, sick leave, and compensatorytime.

    For example, you cancreate a rule limiting certain employees to no more than 240 hoursof annual leave, and a rule that allows another group of employeesto earn up to 360 hours of leave. Each of these rules requires a differentaccrual class.

  • Establish a naming conventionfor accrual classes so that you can designate and quickly identifydifferent classes for sick leave, compensatory time, military leave,and so on.

  • Become familiar with therelationship between earnings codes and accrual classes.

To define accrual classes:

  1. Set up and define the earningscodes to associate with each earnings accrual class.

  2. Define the parameters ofeach earnings accrual class in one of the following ways:

    • A set of rules determiningthe rate at which employees accrue leave based on years of service.

    • A set of rules for applyingceilings, carryover limits, and expiration dates to accrued leave,and for disposing of excess leave when one exceeds these limits.

    • A set of rules to determinehow to process, track, and accumulate leave balances.

Relationship BetweenEarnings Codes and Accrual Classes

Every type of leave(such as annual leave or shore leave), is represented in the systemby one or more earnings codes, as used on paysheets at the employeelevel. An accrual class enables you to set limits and parameters forleave earnings represented by an earnings code. This includes expirationperiods for leave, leave ceilings, and carryover limits.

Earnings codes are centralto their associated earnings classes. By themselves, however, earningscodes don't indicate how to handle leave when one reaches a ceilingor expiration, the order in which the system uses leave earnings,and so on. You can link this kind of information to an earnings codeonly by associating it with an accrual class.

Earnings codes tellthe system what to pay employees if you decide to convert leave topay upon expiration or termination, or when one exceeds ceiling andcarryover limits.

Accrual classes indicatehow to process and accumulate leave earnings represented by differentearnings codes for individual employees in that class. For example,if you define an accrual class for annual leave, you might:

When you define an accrualclass for one type of leave, you must specify how earnings codes forother types of leave or work time affect accrual balances for employeesin the class. For example, if you define an accrual class for annualleave, you might specify another type of leave taken by your employees(such as sick leave or compensatory time) to add to the accumulationof service hours on which annual leave is based.

Annual Leave EntitlementCalculation

The following tablelists the formulas that are used to calculate accrual-specific entitlements.You must select the Annual Entitlement check box on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page for this calculationto occur:


Accrual Unit

Accrual Frequency


Time Accrued

Annual Full-Time (FT)


Hours/Pay Period

((remaining pay periodsin the year) × accrual rate) + year-to-date accrual balance + lastpay period

If service is between3 and 15 years, the formula is:

((remaining pay periodsin the year) × accrual rate) + year-to-date accrual balance + lastpay period + 4

0−3 years of service:½ day (4 hours) for each pay period, except based on service.

3−15 years of service:¾ day (6 hours) for each pay period, except 1¼ days (10 hours) inlast pay period.

15+ years of service:1 day (8 hours) for each pay period.

Annual Part-Time (PT)



((remaining pay periodsin the year) × accrual rate × standard hours) + year-to-date accrualbalance

0−3 years of service:1 hour for each 20 hours in pay status.

3−15 years of service:1 hour for each 13 hours in pay status.

15+ years of service:1 hour for each 10 hours in pay status.

Sick FT


Hours/Pay Period

((remaining pay periodsin the year) × accrual rate) + year-to-date accrual balance

½ day (4 hours) foreach biweekly pay period.

Sick FT



((remaining pay periodsin the year) × accrual rate × standard hours) + year-to-date accrualbalance

1 hour for each 20 hoursin a pay status.

Related Links

Creating Pay Calendars and FLSA Calendars

Use the Earnings AccrualsUSF - Class page (GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS) to define accrual class propertiesand key features, including the rules for calculating leave basedon time in service and frequency of accrual.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings AccrualsUSF > Class

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (1)

Accrual Calculation

This information enablesthe system to record the frequency of accrual and the units of leavetime earned by members of the accrual class.

Field or Control


Leave Type

Note: Although you can definemany different types of leave in the Earnings Accrual Class component,different accrual types require different rules. For example, becausecompensatory time does not accrue at regular rates based on yearsof service, you do not use the Earnings Accruals USF - Rates/Bonuspage to link compensatory time earnings to service time. However,you do use this page for annual leave, which does vary according toyears of service.

Accrual Units

Select the unit of timethat the system uses to track, store, and quote the service intervalson which it bases accruals: Hours, Months, or Years.

Note: This value becomes thedefault on the Rates/Bonus page, where you associate accrual ratesto time in service.

Accrual Frequency

Select the rate at whichleave is earned and tabulated:

Hrs/Year (hours/year):When you select this value, the Accrual Year Type field becomes available for entry.

Hrs/Hour (hours/hours):Select this value to have employees earn leave at a rate of hourseach hour.

Hrs/Month (hours/month):When you select this value, the Accrual Pay Period field becomes available for entry.

Hours/Pay Pd (hours/pay period): Select this value to have employees earn leaveat a rate of hours in each pay period.

Hrs/Week (hours/week):Select this value to have employees earn leave at a rate of hourseach week.

Note: This value becomes thedefault on the Rates/Bonus page.

Accrual Year Type

Select the type of datesto use as the beginning and ending dates of the year:

Calendar: Thecalendar year normally begins January 1 and ends December 31.

Fiscal: Thefiscal year normally begins October 1 of a year and ends September30 of the following year.

Leave: Theleave year normally begins with the first full pay period that beginsand ends within the calendar year. However, because the length ofthe leave year is 26 pay periods, the end date falls within the followingyear.

Pay: The payyear normally begins with the first full pay period that begins andends within the calendar year, and it ends with the last pay periodthat begins and ends in the year.

Note: Before using these accrualyear types, you must define them in the Pay Calendar table. You canmodify the standard definitions as needed.

Accrual Pay Period

Select the pay periodin which you want to grant leave earnings. For example, if the monthcontains multiple pay periods and you decide to distribute earningsafter the first week, enter any value from 2 to 5 in the Accrual Pay Period field (with 2 indicating week two, 3 indicatingweek three, and so on). The default is 1 (week one).

Effective Rate

Select the dispositionof excess leave balances: Current Rate, Rate Earned, or CurrentRate Percent. Convert leave to pay using the pay ratein effect when the leave was originally accrued, the current rateof pay at the time of expiration, or a percentage of the current rate.When you select Current Rate Percent, the Effective Rate Percent field becomes available for entry.

Effective Rate Percent

Enter the percentageto use as the basis of calculations.

Accrual Processing

Use this group box toindicate how to process, calculate, and adjust accruals, and to establisha schedule for disposing of dated leave balances.

Field or Control


Accrued Balance Go Negative

For your informationonly.

Check Non-Pay Hours

Select to tabulate thenumber of nonpay hours to determine whether to grant accrual earnings.For example, suppose the standard hours for an employee are 80 hoursper pay period. The employee has 70 nonpay hours going into a newpay period and takes an additional 10 hours of nonpaid time. The systemadds the total number of nonpay hours (80), determines that this numberequals the total of standard hours, and blocks any additional leaveaccrual for that pay period.

Special Calculation Routine

Not currently used byU.S. federal government customers.

Service Calc at Year Begin (service calculation at year begin)

Select to calculateleave hours according to length of service as of January 1 of thecurrent year. To calculate leave hours according to the length ofservice as of the leave accrual process date, deselect this checkbox. The system uses the service date in the employee's Job Data componentfor this calculation.

End of Year Indicator

Select to expire restoredleave at the end of the expiration year (Dec. 31). For example, ifyou restore an employee's leave on Jan. 15, 1998 and the leave expiresin 24 months, the system extends the expiration date beyond the two-yearlimit to the end of the year in which the leave expires (December31, 2000). This is for restored leave only.

Adjustments Allowed

Select to adjust leaveat the line-item level on the Accrual Ledger page. Otherwise, the Accrual Adjustment button is not available.

Use Old First

Select when processingceilings, carry overs, and expirations. The system reviews historicrows of leave and uses the oldest available leave first.

Track Non-Pay Hours

Select to track nonpayhours for a WGI. Nonpaid hours will be tracked on the accrual nonpay ledger.

Annual Entitlement

Select to activate theannual entitlement calculation. After each pay period, the systemcalculates the employee's annual accrual entitlement balance alongwith the next pay period's accrual. This provides the informationto determine how many leave hours employees can use before exceedingtheir full annual accrual entitlement. The number of hours to whichan employee is entitled for the remainder of the year appears on theAccrual Summary page. Calculation formulas are provided in the overview.

See Understanding Earnings Accrual Classes.

Related Links

Creating Pay Calendars and FLSA Calendars

Use the Ceiling/Carryoverpage (GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS2) to establish rules for applying ceilingsand carryover limits to earnings accrual classes.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings AccrualsUSF > Ceiling/Carryover

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Ceiling/Carryover page.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (2)

Accrual Ceiling

Use this group box toplace limits on total leave earnings and to specify how to handleexcess accruals. Establishing a leave ceiling enables you to limitleave earnings and to trigger various actions when the ceiling hasbeen reached, including the conversion of leave to pay.

Field or Control


Ceiling Set Indicator

Select to activate thefields in the Accrual Ceiling group box.

Ceiling Interval

Select the intervalwith which to measure the maximum amount of leave time that membersof an accrual class can accumulate: Hours, Months, Pay Period, or Years. When you select Months, the Ceiling Pay Period field becomes available for entry. When you select Years, the Year Type fieldbecomes available for entry.

Ceiling Pay Period

Select the week of eachmonth in which you apply the accrual ceiling and determine the dispositionof excess leave (1 represents week one, 2 representsweek two, and so on).

Ceiling Disposition

Specify how to handleexcess leave accruals:

Allowed to Exceed: Select to disregard ceilings that are applied at an earlier date.

Convert to Other: Select to convert excess leave to other types of leave. For example,if you place a ceiling on leave accruals, you can convert excess earningsinto another leave type by entering its corresponding earnings codein the CeilingEarnings Code field. However, this value is not supportedby an automated process. Configuration is required to implement thisfeature.

Convert to Pay: Select to convert excess leave to pay by creating an AdditionalPay record, either at the rate earned or at the current rate thatis specified on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page. The systemcreates a ledger entry to record the reduction of hours and updatesthe accruals summary. The resulting payment appears as additionalpay on the paysheets. When you select this value, the Ceiling Earnings Code field becomes available for entry.

Forfeit: Selectto reduce excess accruals and create a ledger entry to record theforfeiture. You immediately lose excess leave.

Use or Lose: Select to reduce excess accruals and create a ledger entry to recordthe forfeiture. You immediately lose excess leave.

Ceiling Intervals

Not currently used byU.S. federal government customers.

Maximum Ceiling

Enter the maximum numberof hours, months, years, or pay periods of leave time that an employeein the accrual class can accumulate, depending on the unit of measurementthat is specified in the Ceiling Intervals field.

Ceiling Earnings Code

Specify how to compensateemployees in an accrual class when leave is converted to pay.

Define earnings codesin the Earnings tables.

Accrual Carryover

Use this group box tospecify the carryover limits and tell the system what operations toperform when one exceeds the limit. Establishing a carryover limitenables you to control the amount of leave employees can carry overfrom one period to another and to trigger other operations, such asthe conversion of excess carryover to pay.

Field or Control


Max Carryover Indicator (maximum carryover indicator)

Select to activate thefields in the Accrual Carryover group box.

Carryover Interval

Select the intervalwith which to measure the amount of leave employees in the accrualclass can carry over from one period to another: Hours, Months, Pay Period, or Years. When you select Months, the Carryover Pay Period field becomes available for entry. When you select Years, the Year Type fieldbecomes available for entry.

Carryover Pay Period

Select the week of eachmonth in which you apply the accrual carryover and determine the dispositionof excess leave (1 represents week one, 2 representsweek two, and so on).

Carryover Disposition

Specify how to handleexcess leave accruals:

Allowed to Exceed: Select to disregard carryover limits that are applied at an earlierdate.

Convert to Other: Select to convert excess leave to other types of leave. For example,if you apply a carryover limit to leave earnings, you can convertexcess earnings into another leave type by entering its correspondingearnings code in the Carryover Earnings Code field. However, this value is not supported by an automated process.Configuration is required to implement this feature.

Convert to Pay: Select to convert excess carryover to pay by creating an AdditionalPay record, either at the rate earned or at the current rate thatis specified on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page. The systemcreates a ledger entry to record the reduction of hours and updatesthe accrual summary. The resulting payment appears as additional payon the paysheets. When you select this value, the Carryover Earnings Code field becomes available for entry.

Forfeit: Selectto reduce excess leave and create a ledger entry to record the forfeiture.You immediately lose excess leave.

Use or Lose: Select to reduce excess leave and create a ledger entry to recordthe forfeiture. You immediately lose excess leave.

Carryover Intervals

Not currently used byU.S. federal government customers.

Max Cryovr (maximum carryover)

Enter the maximum numberof hours, months, years, or pay periods of leave time that an employeein the accrual class can carry over, depending on the unit of measurementthat is specified in the Carryover Intervals field.

Carryover Earnings Code

Specify how to compensateemployees in an accrual class when converting leave to pay.

Define earnings codesin the Earnings tables.

Coordinate with Grandfather

Select if employeescan use grandfathered leave earnings that put them above the carryover limit for theiraccrual class. For example, if an employee moves from an accrual classthat carries a higher carryover limit than is permitted for individualsin the current class, the system checks the Enrollment page for thecorrect carryover limit for this employee. Employees are eligibleto receive a personal carryover limit on the Enrollment page thatremains in effect until their leave earnings fall within the carryoverlimit for the rest of their accrual class. So, an employee enteringan accruals class with excess leave isn't forced to lose it, and thesystem coordinates leave usage so that it uses the oldest leave first.

Note: After you enter theoriginal amount of an employee's grandfathered leave on the Enrollmentpage, view the grandfathered leave balance on the Accrual Summarypage.

Related Links

Establishing Earnings Codes

Creating Pay Calendars and FLSA Calendars

Use the Expiration/Terminationpage (GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS3) to apply expiration and termination rulesto earnings accrual classes.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings AccrualsUSF > Expiration/Termination

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Expiration/Termination page.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (3)

Accrual Expiration

Use this group box tospecify the maximum amount of time that can pass before one must use,forfeit, or convert accrued leave to pay.

Field or Control


Earnings Expiration Indicator

Select to activate thefields in the Accrual Expiration group box.

Expiration Interval

Select the intervalwith which to measure the expiration period. This value is the defaultunit of measurement for the Until Expiration field.

Expiration Disposition

Specify how to handleleave upon expiration:

Convert to Other: Select to convert expired leave to other types of leave. For example,if you apply an expiration date to leave earnings, you can convertthis leave into another leave type by selecting its correspondingearnings code. However, this value is not supported by an automatedprocess. Configuration is required to implement this feature.

Convert to Pay: Select to convert expired leave to pay by creating an AdditionalPay record, either at the rate earned or at the current rate thatis specified on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page. The systemcreates a ledger entry to record the reduction of hours and updatesthe accrual summary. The resulting payment appears as additional payon the paysheets. When you select this value, the Expiration Earnings Code field becomes available for entry.

Forfeit: Selectto reduce expired leave and create a ledger entry to record the forfeiture.You immediately lose excess leave.

Expiration Intervals

Not currently used byU.S. federal government customers.

Expiration Earnings Code

Specify how to compensateemployees in an accrual class when converting leave to pay.

Define earnings codesin the Earnings table.

Until Expiration

Enter the number ofhours, months, years, or pay periods until leave expires. The defaultunit of measurement comes from the Expiration Interval field.

Accrual Termination

Field or Control


Termination Disposition

Specify how to handleleave upon termination:

Convert to Pay: Select to convert unused leave to pay by creating an AdditionalPay record, either at the rate earned or at the current rate thatis specified on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page. The systemcreates a ledger entry to record the reduction of hours and updatesthe accrual summary. To complete the payout procedure, you must enterthis information in the Final Check Program Table component (TERM_PGM_TBL).

Forfeit: Selectto record forfeited accruals and create a ledger entry to record thetermination. You lose any unused leave.

Termination Earnings Code and Payat Termination Percent

Specify the earningsfor which employees in an accrual class are eligible when convertingaccruals to pay. If your policy is to convert leave to pay at a percentageof the rate that is represented by the earnings code, enter the percentin the Pay atTermination Percent field.

Related Links

Establishing Earnings Codes

Use the Rates/Bonuspage (GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS4) to create a schedule for granting leavebased on length of service.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings AccrualsUSF > Rates/Bonus

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Rates/Bonus page.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (4)

Establish the hours,months, years, or pay periods that members of the accrual class mustwork to receive a specified amount of leave.

Accrual Rates Values

The default time periodthat is displayed in this group box—in this case hours—comes fromthe AccrualUnits field on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page.For example, if you selected Hours as theaccrual units on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page, you measureservice time in hours on the Rates/Bonus page.

Field or Control



Enter the length ofservice. The accrual unit (hours, months, or years) that displaysat the top of this column comes from the Accrual Units field on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page.

Hours per Hour

Enter the number ofhours that accrue per month, year, or pay period. The accrual rate(hours per month, hours per pay period, hours per year, or hours perhour) that displays at the top of this column comes from the Accrual Frequency field on the Earnings Accruals USF - Class page.

Hours in Last Pay Period

Specify a fixed numberof leave hours to distribute in the last pay period of the year, independentof the amount that you grant automatically to members of the accrualclass.

Use the Earnings AccrualsUSF - Balance page (GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS5) to select the earnings codesthat add to, or subtract from, leave balances for the class, and specifyhow the hours that are associated with these earnings codes affectvarious balances that track and store leave time (such as hours taken,hours earned, and service hours).


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings AccrualsUSF > Balance

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Earnings Accruals USF - Balance page.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (5)

Field or Control


Earnings Code

Select an earnings codefor which you want to keep a leave balance.

Add to Service Hours

Select to add to theaccumulation of service hours on which accrual rates are based. Toview the total service hours for an employee in the accrual class,use the Accrual Summary page. To adjust service hours for an employee,use the Accrual Ledger page.

Add to Hours Taken

Select to add to theaccumulation of hours taken. To view the total hours taken for anemployee in the accrual class, use the Accrual Summary page. To adjustservice hours for an employee, use the Accrual Ledger page.

Add to Adjust Hours

Select to specify thecapability to adjust accrual balances by addition or subtraction,though you don't actually make the adjustment here. When you enteradjustment data using paysheets, the system accepts positive or negativehours. To view the total hours adjusted year-to-date, use the AccrualSummary page.

Note: You cannot enter oralter adjusted hours directly through the Accrual Ledger page; theybecome part of the Leave Accruals Processing COBOL SQL process (FGPACCRL)through paysheets.

Add to Restored Hours Adjust

Select to add to thebalance of adjusted restored hours. To view the balance of adjustedrestored hours, use the Restored Hours page.

Note: You cannot enter oralter restored hours directly through the Restored Hours page; theybecome part of the Leave Accruals Processing process through paysheets.You can change only the expiration date of restored leave on the RestoredHours page.

Add to Restored Hours Taken

Select to add to thebalance of restored hours taken. To view the balance of restored hourstaken, use the Restored Hours page.

Add to Hours Earned

Select to add leaveto the accumulation of hours earned. To view the total of hours earned,use the Accrual Summary page. To adjust hours earned for an employee,use the Accrual Ledger page.

Add to Hours Bought

Not currently used byU.S. federal government customers.

Add to Hours Sold

Not currently used byU.S. federal government customers.

Note: Many of these checkboxes are replicated in the Earnings Code table. If you use accrualclasses to place limits on earnings codes and to specify how to accumulatethe hours that are associated with them, use the check boxes on thispage, rather than those in the Earnings Code table.

Example 1

Each check box on theEarnings Accruals USF - Balance page represents a balance to whichyou can add for:

  • Tracking earnings.

  • Recording leave hours taken,time in service, and so on.

This enables you tospecify:

  • How the system tracks andprocesses an earnings code for the accrual type in the accrual class(annual leave, for example).

  • How the hours that areassociated with that code affect accrual rates and other earningscriteria for employees in this class.

For example, selectthe Add to ServiceHours and Add to Hours Taken check boxes for the FAL earnings code (a code representing annualleave hours for the ANN360 accrual class). The system adds togetherthe annual leave taken and the accumulation of service hours on whichaccrual rates are based.

Example 2

Because earnings codesrepresenting other types of leave or work time also affect leave accrualsfor employees in the ANN360 accrual class, the leave plan administratorspecifies how hours that are associated with these codes affect balancesfor employees in the class. In the following example, the system combineshours that are associated with the earnings code for religious comptime-off and are added to the service hours on which annual leaverates are based. Hours that are associated with the earnings codefor regular earnings have been added to the accumulation of servicetime.

For example, selectthe Add to ServiceHours check box for regular earnings and religious comptime-off. If employees in the ANN360 accrual class receive 0.02 hoursof leave time for every hour of regular time that they work (accrualfrequency is hours per hour), and the employees work 30 hours of regulartime and take 10 hours of religious comp time-off, the system:

  • Adds 40 service hours totheir leave plans.

  • Updates their leave earnings,causing the leave accrual program to accrue 0.8 hours of vacationtime.

Note: This example involvesproration, because the system calculates the number of leave hoursto grant based on the actual number of service hours. Proration occursonly when the accrual frequency is hours per hour. Other accrual frequenciesdo not involve proration if the employee works fewer than the normalnumber of service hours. For example, if the accrual frequency ishours per pay period, the employee receives the full accrual for thepay period if the employee is in an active pay status for any numberof hours during that pay period.

Related Links

Restored Accrual Page

Use the Cascading page(GVT_ERN_ACR_CLASS6) to define the sequence and the accrual classesto which each earnings accrual class cascades.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings AccrualsUSF > Cascading

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Cascading page.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (6)

Field or Control


Cascade Class

Enter the cascadingclass from which the system draws hours to prevent the earnings accrualclass from becoming negative.

During leave accrualprocessing, the system automatically decrements hours from the lowestsequenced cascading class until it exhausts that accrual class.

For example, to haveemployees exhaust annual leave and then exhaust restored leave andsick leave before their annual leave becomes negative, define restoredleave and sick leave as cascading classes for the annual leave earningsaccrual class.

Accrued Balance Go Negative

Select for the highestsequenced class only. You cannot save this page unless you let thehighest sequenced class become negative.

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes (2024)
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